Impact of the magnetic field in EoS, the structure and velocities of the Quark Stars

  • July 12, 2017, 2:30 am US/Central
  • Wilson Hall, Curia II
  • Aurora Perez Martinez, Havana, ICIMAF
  • Marcela
  • Inspires
We analyze the impact of anisotropic EoS, due to the presence of a magnetic field, in the structure equations of  magnetized quark stars. We assume a cylindrical metric and an anisotropic energy momentum tensor for the source. We found that there is a maximum magnetic field that a quark star can sustain, closely related to the violation of the virial relations. We also have studied how the beta decay in presence of magnetic field imposes a preferential emission of neutrinos from the quark stars and this anisotropy may explain the kicks of quark star.