- Jan. 14, 2022, 4:00 pm US/Central
- Elena Gramellini, Fermilab
Current and next generation precision neutrino oscillation experiments aim to probe CP-violation in the lepton sector, the neutrino mass ordering, and physics beyond the Standard Model such as the existence of light sterile neutrinos by measuring the appearance of electron neutrinos in nearly pure beams of muon neutrinos. Yet to this day, only a handful of direct measurements of electron neutrino interactions exist, particularly on argon. Measuring electron-neutrino cross sections is a crucial step for the success of the DUNE and SBN programs. In this talk, we present MicroBooNE’s first measurements of single-differential $\nu_e+\overline{\nu}_e$ charged-current inclusive cross sections on argon in charged lepton energy and in scattering angle with full angular acceptance. Data were collected using the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber exposed to the highly off-axis flux from the Fermilab Neutrinos at the Main Injector beam (NuMI). The data used in the analysis correspond to the first year of data taking (2.0E20 protons on target).